
Our Philosophy

Spark Therapy is proud of our unique clinical model that allows us to integrate all areas of a client's treatment. Our focus is on achieving functional gains based on each client's individual developmental profile.

We partner with the client's family and caregivers to support the therapy process within the family unit. Coaching is integrated into the therapy sessions so that the family develops the skills and confidence needed to achieve continued progress within the home environment.

Our therapists work together to ensure that all of a client's needs and goals are being supported. We are committed to providing services that are based on up-to-date clinical research and evidence based practice.

  • "I think Spark is the best project on Earth. It teaches kids how to do stuff very good."
    David, 7 years old (handwriting difficulties)

  • "I was so happy this weekend when John was able to communicate with us using his communication book….he is making so much progress thanks to you and your team!"
    Sheena, parent of John, 25 years old (autistic spectrum disorder, non-verbal)

  • "Spark Therapists have been a tremendous asset to our school program. They consistently demonstrate professionalism and integrity. Their knowledge of current practices remains unsurpassed..."
    Adela, school principal

  • "We started working with Spark Therapy when Lila was 2 years old. Speech, OT, Physio – she needed it all! Lila is now a regular Grade 1 student and Spark supported us every step of the way…."
    Mack, parent of Lila, 6 years old (language and motor delays)